< ksartstudio.org
I started “daily apple project” in November 2003 as an experiment–to paint one apple on canvas every day. Since then painting an apple with the first cup of coffee has been one of my morning routines.

I try to not think about anything while I paint. I depict each apple simply the way I see it. I choose the paint medium; oil, watercolor, crayon, colored pencil and acrylic. Mostly oil when I'm at my studio and crayon when I'm traveling. I use 7”x7” canvas and paint the apple life-size. I sometimes eat the apple just after I paint it. Often I use the same apple and paint it from different angles for several days.

This project is like a daily journal, it reveals my struggles and reflects my life over time. As the project progresses I have noticed that what has kept it interesting is that as my mind matures I see the apples in different ways. Through apples I examine myself. To see myself growing up process better, I stick with this still life as simple as possible. I don't paint green apples nor change the subject to bananas or so.

I will continue this chronicle at least until I reach my 10,000th apple (sometimes in March, 2031).