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HAIKU translation- a fragment of a season, 2001
mixed media, size various

Migrants rest at perches
their feet cling to the branches

original HAIKU by Joko Kawaguchi

7.5" x 9.5" x 0.5" (frame size)

Early spring morning
raindrops slip down to the ground
from apricots' buds.

original HAIKU by unknown

28.5" x 28.5" x 1" (frame size)

A sparkling road
brilliant melting snow flows
in glittering streams

original HAIKU by unknown

25" x 21" x 1" (frame size)

Dark spring night
sky breeds a new moon like a infant
from milky way

original HAIKU by Mantaro Kubota

21" x 15" x 1" (frame size)

By cherry blossoms
clouds are floating on the sky
my words turns to sight

original HAIKU by unknown

22" x 18" x 1" (frame size)

Ripples make shteets
of cheerful early spring music
on the pond water

original HAIKU by Suiha Watanabe

29" x 25" x 1" (frame size)

In long-distance train
morning sun shines by window
it goes through my eyes

original HAIKU by unknown

10.5" x 9" x 1" (frame size)

Summer is coming around

Flowers of deutzia scatter petals at hedges
a little cuckoo comes and sings "Ho-Ho-Ke-Kyo"
summer is coming around...

On a misty day, peasant girls plant cabbages
drenching their bare feet in a muddy rice field
summer is coming around...

Mandarin oranges are fragrant under an eve
old women sit on a bench for gossip and tea
summer is coming around...

At the river's side,
the shadows of roofs lengthen in orange twilight
sweat dripping from my forehead
summer is coming around...

Water rails mate in a deep bamboo thicket
the moonlight is dim and lighting bugs are glowing
summer is coming around...

original TANKA by Shinsai Sasaki

25" x 25" x 1" (frame size)